Monday, August 6, 2012

Shop, Chop and HOT...

H.O.T  Is the best way to describe Guangzhou China in the summer.  I've heard it referred to as the furnace of China and well, it's a fact.  Hot on most days doesn't quite do the temps here justice.  Melting has become my daily hobby. I didn't know that I could honestly sweat as much as I do here.  As quickly as I drink a bottle of water, it's gone in a sweaty flash.  Note to self (and others who may consider it), check the temps before you go on your group trip the local Guangzhou Zoo.  If it's gonna be 106 degrees, re-think that visit.  It was so hot I do think I could have curled up with the black bear that was on display and he'd of been to dang hot himself to waste his energy eating me for supper.  We were drained (and dripping), the poor animals were depleted and the kids were dizzy from he heat.  It was not one of our favorite outings.  We had decided it was really to hot to explore the zoo and took up refuge (for what good it did) on a bench under a tree.  The only reason I got to see any of the animal displays is  because Miss Marin had to explore the bathroom of the zoo (a new place = new bathroom to visit) and we got turned around trying to find Len and Tristan.  After our 45 minute walk we finally found our way back but by then were thoroughly exhausted from carrying my girl around for that long.

Did a little more shopping for thing for the kid and gifts.  We went back to both the Chen Family Temple to have Marin and Tristan's name chops made and then a 2nd trip back to the Pearl Market to get the Jade we needed for the kids (mom and dad got some too this trip).  We'll head to Shamian Island this afternoon to finish up some shopping and walking the beautiful grounds. Never know just what I must have to bring home with us.

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